The first tool developed by JetBrains and probably the best known is IntelliJ IDEA, originally a development environment for the Java programming language only. The JetBrains programs are available for the operating systems Windows, Linux and macOS. JetBrains is a manufacturer of professional development tools for software developers and managers of software projects. Support and contact person for JetBrains at IT.Install and manage JetBrains products using the Toolbox App.

Scope and use of floating licenses of JetBrains.5.31.23: Windows Software (DSM Packages).5.31.18: Open AFS with the Network Identity Manager.You've copied and pasted the whole code.You're using the code for your IDE version.If the code field is highlighted red and the Activate button is unavailable, make sure that: Drag and drop the file with the activation code into the dialog or copy the code and paste it into the corresponding field.In the Get license from section, select Activation code. If the activation dialog doesn't appear straight away, go to Help | Register and click Activate New License. Pick the one that corresponds to the version you're using. The file names indicate the IDE version that the code inside is intended for. You'll find two text files inside, each containing an activation code.Go to your Downloads folder and unzip the archive. This will save a ZIP archive to your computer.In the license list, find the license you want to activate and click Download activation code for offline usage.If you don't have an account yet, see this article to learn how to create one. To activate these, you need to use your JetBrains Account. Offline activation codes are not available for free student and teacher licenses. If you can't connect to the internet to activate your IDE, use an offline activation code. However, it requires an internet connection. Using your JetBrains Account is the fastest and easiest way to activate JetBrains software.