She tells him she's sorry, and begins to cry. He runs towards it seeing Chise with a wing emerging from her back and a gun for an arm. He sees a bright pink light shooting from enemy plane to enemy plane and destroying them. Take is killed holding a forgive me pendant for his girlfriend, Yukari. When an air raid begins, they go to the surface to see the action. After Shuji sees bruises on Chise's knees, he goes shopping with his friends in Sapporo after Chise cancels a date. The end up continuing on their relationship. Later, he takes her to the observatory planning on breaking up with her, when she cries out that Akemi dared her to ask him out. Then she gives him an exchange diary in which they record their feelings on their relationship. At the beginning, Chise struggles up "Hell's Hill" while Shuji waits impatiently.

And thus the story is told of Tatsuya trying to prove himself over his established younger brother, how it affects the relationship between the three, and both brothers’ attempts to make Minami’s lifelong dreams come true.Summary: At the beginning, Chise struggles up "Hell's Hill" while Shuji waits impatiently. Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata, or Saekano for reduce, is an anime where the protagonist is an otaku who wants to fulfill his dream of creating a galgame, after meeting his beautiful heroine in a captivating scene in which his hat flies downhill, stopping near of protagonist, who is shocked to see a girl with such beauty. Yet as time progresses, Tatsuya grows to realize that he’s willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of his brother, except at the expense of giving up Minami to Kazuya.

Society largely assumes Kazuya and Minami will become the perfect couple, including Tatsuya. Minami is the beautiful childhood girlfriend and for all intents, sister from next door who treats both of them as equals. Tatsuya is a hopeless slacker who’s been living the life of giving up the spotlight to Kazuya, despite the fact that he may be more gifted than him. Kazuya is the darling of his town as he’s talented, hardworking, and the ace pitcher for his middle school baseball team. The story centers around three characters – Uesugi Kazuya, his twin older brother Tatsuya, and Asakura Minami.